Saturday, January 5, 2008

Justice Thomas Interview with EWTN

Raymond Arroyo of the Catholic channel EWTN interviewed Justice Clarence Thomas in mid-December on his program "The World Over." Audio of the program is available here, and you can download the entire file by clicking here. It's the Dec. 14, 2007 interview. This was tricky to find, however, because EWTN's website incorrectly states that Arroyo had interviewed a Father John Berg. That label is incorrect. It's an hour-long program; Justice Thomas's interview starts at about 9:22 and lasts the rest of the hour.

This website explains the mislabeling:
Many who watched "The World Over" on Friday, December 14th, expected to see the interview with Fr. Berg but were instead treated to a rare interview with Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas. The taped interview with Justice Thomas was quite extensive, and apparently a last-minute decision was made by EWTN to postpone the broadcast of the interview with Fr. Berg to a later time so that the whole interview with Clarence Thomas could be aired within one show.

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